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outside air 意味

"outside air"の例文


  • outside air
  • outside     1outside n. 外側, 外部; 外見, 見かけ. 【前置詞+】 He is twenty at the (very) outside.
  • air     1air n. (1) 空気, 大気; そよ風; 空中; 戸外; 流布; 制空権. 【動詞+】 admit air (室内に)空気を入れる
  • air outside    外の空気{くうき}
  • cooling with outside air    外気冷房{がいき れいぼう}
  • go outside for a fresh air    新鮮{しんせん}な空気{くうき}を吸うために外に出る
  • open to the outside air    外気{がいき}にさらされて
  • outside air temperature    外気温度◆【略】OAT
  • outside air temperature indicator    外気温度計{がいき おんどけい}
  • outside air-temperature gauge    外気温度計測器{がいき おんど けいそくき}
  • outside the air base    空軍基地{くうぐん きち}の外で
  • at the outside    せいぜい、多く見積{みつ}もっても The stocks will go up twelve percent at the outside. 株価の上昇は多く見積もって12%だ。
  • on the outside    外面{がいめん}から見ると、多めに見積っても、せいぜい、外側{そとがわ}では
  • outside     1outside n. 外側, 外部; 外見, 見かけ. 【前置詞+】 He is twenty at the (very) outside. どう多く見積もっても 20 歳だ The door was locked from the outside. ドアは外側からかぎがかかっていた It's difficult to judge from the ou
  • outside in    {著作} : 表と裏◆米1980《著》マイクル?Z?リューイン(Michael Z. Lewin)
  • outside of    {1} : ~のほかに、~の外側へ、~を除いて、~を別とすれば -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {2} : 《be ~》~の外にいる、~を離れている


  • to feel the outside air being comfortable ...
    こんなふうに 外の空気が 気持いいなんて 感じるの
  • kyousuke , let's go breathe a bit of the outside air .
    恭介 ちょっと外の空気吸いに行こう
  • as the sky gets darker , and the outside air temperatures drop
  • the air in the room had reached several times the outside air pressure
    部屋の空気は 外気圧の数倍に達していた
  • to the outside air are receptors
  • it's almost as if contact with the outside air started catalyzing something .
    恐らく外気と接触したせいで... 何かが反応したのかも
  • we flood the base with all that outside air and freeze the vectors in place .
    基地は 北極の外気で冷やされ... ベクターたちは凍る
  • on the other hand , when the outside air is dry the wood constricts and spaces appear , thereby allowing the breeze to pass through .
  • using this method , it was possible to keep ice until summer in cool mountain areas because the temperature in a himuro is cooler than that of the outside air due to the vaporization heat of underground water .
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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